Keywords: public policy, behavioral models, labor market, labor market actors, conceptual principles, areas of regulation


The article is devoted to topical issues of defining the conceptual foundations of the state policy of regulating the behavioral models of labor market actors. Regulation of behavioral models of labor market actors should be considered as a set of management functions performed by public authorities, in order to balance the supply and demand of labor. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the regulation of behavioral models of labor market actors is one of the components of the mechanism of interest in achieving maximum economic and social results of economic and business activities. It is established that the state policy of regulating the behavioral models of labor market actors should include the full range of methods and tools used by public authorities at various levels to achieve effective employment and ensure the effective functioning of the labor market. The study identifies the following areas of state policy to regulate behavioral models of labor market actors: regulation of labor organization (adjustment of working hours, management of labor complexity, support and improvement of labor quality, expanding the potential scope of employment, increasing the availability of more profitable areas of employment), regulation of income (management of sources of income, adjustment of income, increase of potential opportunities to increase welfare), regulation of the system of factors acting on the part of the individual (management of personal circumstances, raising awareness, increasing access to various employment channels, legal culture management, adjustment of the attitude to the objects of employment, management of factors of leisure), and regulation of the system of factors acting on the part of the employer / enterprise (adjustment of the attitude to the employer / enterprise, support and improvement of the current assessment of the employer / enterprises). It is proved that the state policy of regulating the behavioral models of labor market actors will be effective only if it strengthens the motivation of people, and the transformation of motives into objective goals is achieved through the coordination of goals and interests of individuals.


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