Keywords: electronic commerce, public procurement, electronic trade, electronic business, digital economy


The purpose of the article is to analyze the development of e-commerce in Ukraine and the EU and to develop ways to reform it in Ukraine. Ukraine's obtaining the status of a candidate for joining the EU requires the development of necessary measures aimed at accelerating the integration of the domestic economic system into the systems of EU countries, including in the digital economy, which determines the relevance of the chosen research topic. The following methods were used for the research: desk research (collection and study of existing reports, analytical documents, strategic documents, studies); method of analysis (the collected information was analyzed, structured and appropriately presented in the article); comparative method (to compare the development of e-commerce in Ukraine and the EU). The article analyzes the development of the field of electronic commerce in Ukraine and the EU. The theoretical aspects of electronic commerce, its types, legislative support in Ukraine and the EU are considered. The peculiarities of the B2G segment and its largest component - public procurement - have been determined. The legislation of Ukraine on public procurement is analyzed and its shortcomings are indicated. The evaluation of the use of the Internet and electronic commerce during the last five years in Ukraine and the EU, as well as the dynamics of the development of the electronic commerce sector in the European Union, was carried out. The impact of Russia's military aggression on the development of domestic e-commerce is outlined. A conclusion was made about the importance of developing a state regulatory policy in the field of e-commerce in order to overcome barriers and obstacles to its integration into the EU Single Digital Market, taking into account new challenges, risks and opportunities for the development of this field. The practical value of the article lies in the development of proposals for the reform of domestic e-commerce based on the analysis of its current state in Ukraine and the EU, namely: the issue of creating a single state body in the field of e-commerce needs to be resolved in order to implement a comprehensive state policy in this area, detinization activities of sellers of goods, works, services in e-commerce systems and harmonization with EU law of some regulatory acts related to e-commerce.


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How to Cite
Berezovska, L., & Kyrychenko, A. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN UKRAINE AND THE EU. Economy and Society, (42).