Keywords: generation theory, generation Z, youth labor market, values, motivation


The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the digital economy has a significant impact on all spheres of public life without exception: transactions performed, business and business models of organizations, methods of communication between subjects, on people's lifestyle, work, leisure. The younger generation, who is just about to enter the labor market, was born in the digital age, which undoubtedly influenced their values and behavior patterns, and therefore it becomes necessary to assess the impact of the digital economy on the labor values of the generation entering the labor market. Purpose: to identify the features and tools of interaction between employers and generation Z entering the labor market. Methods: methods of logical, comparative, system analysis. Results. The article is devoted to one of the popular theories of our time – the theory of generations, which today is in the field of vision and scientific interests of marketers, economists, sociologists, psychologists and managers. Using knowledge about the differences between generations, you can find an approach to representatives of all ages. The main attention in the work is paid to generation Z, namely, their characteristics as a separate socio-demographic group. The problems and characteristics of the new generation, their attitude to learning, search and processing of information, determination of the future profession are analyzed. A portrait of a labor market participant who belongs to generation Z is considered. The characteristic features and characteristics of generation Z are systematized. Positive and negative aspects of the behavior of representatives of the new generation are identified to determine the prospects for behavior at work, influence on the business environment and the management system in companies. Problems with employment and adaptation to the economic and social environment are noted. The possibilities of the studied generation in the modern world are determined. The research carried out by the authors of the article revealed the main trends in the dominance of types of behavior and characterological characteristics of representatives of generation Z, who will form a full-fledged segment of the labor market, starting from 2022. Recommendations are formulated related to practical directions for employment, retention and motivation of this contingent of employees.


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How to Cite
Krivtsova, M., & Soroka, O. (2021). GENERATION Z AS A POTENTIAL LABOR MARKET SEGMENT. Economy and Society, (27).