Keywords: competitiveness, the institution of restaurant business, cafe, the method of the integral indicator


The type of the institution of restaurant business is an important factor, which influences the choice of indicators to assess competitiveness. However, most scientific works do not take this into account. Given this, the establishment of the most important criteria for the competitiveness of restaurants, which belong to the type of "cafe" is relevant. The research used the method of integral indicator for assessing the level of competitiveness of cafes, which provides a comprehensive approach to evaluation, taking into account both the technical parameters of service in cafes and their economic component. In addition, the method of group survey of experts was used to determine the importance of each group of indicators of cafe competitiveness. The purpose of this article is to adapt the method of integral indicator for assessing the level of competitiveness of cafes by determining the list of the most important factors of competitiveness and describing the features of their definition. According to the results of research, to assess the level of competitiveness of restaurants such as "cafe" it is advisable to assess such key components of competitiveness as assortment (quality of dishes, width of the range of dishes, drinks and additional services), communication (corporate identity, advertising, interior, exterior, total atmosphere), geographical (location and work schedule), personnel (staff qualifications, speed of service, quality of service) and economic (cost of the average check). To determine all the criteria, except for the economic component, it is advisable to use a 5-point evaluation system, where a score of 5 means the best position of the cafe, and a score of 1 – the worst result. The cost of the average check would be calculated in UAH as of the date of determining the level of competitiveness. According to the authors, the importance of competitiveness factors would be distributed as follows: economic component – 0.3, assortment component – 0.25, geographical component – 0.2, personnel component – 0.15, communication component – 0.1. This approach allows you to take into account the specifics of the restaurant business type "cafe", more objectively calculate the level of their competitiveness and suggest possible ways to increase competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Mashta, N., Polishchuk, O., & Savchenko, O. (2022). THE METHOD OF THE INTEGRAL INDICATOR IN ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF COMPETITIVENESS OF CAFE. Economy and Society, (39).